

Sketch.ellipse() is a method in the cadquery python library that is used to create an elliptical sketch in the 2D plane. This method is similar to the method, but instead of a circle, it allows for the creation of an ellipse.


The syntax for the Sketch.ellipse() method is as follows:

ellipse(center, major_radius, minor_radius, angle=0.0, startangle=0.0, endangle=360.0)


  • center - This parameter specifies the center point of the ellipse. It takes a tuple of two values representing the X and Y coordinates of the center point.

  • major_radius - This parameter specifies the length of the major axis of the ellipse.

  • minor_radius - This parameter specifies the length of the minor axis of the ellipse.

  • angle - This parameter specifies the rotation angle of the ellipse in degrees. The default value is 0.0 degrees.

  • startangle - This parameter specifies the start angle of the ellipse in degrees. The default value is 0.0 degrees.

  • endangle - This parameter specifies the end angle of the ellipse in degrees. The default value is 360.0 degrees.

Return Value

The Sketch.ellipse() method does not return any value. Instead, it creates a new ellipse sketch in the 2D plane.


Here is an example of using the Sketch.ellipse() method to create an elliptical sketch:

import cadquery as cq

# Create a new sketch object in the XY plane
sketch = cq.Workplane("XY").sketch()

# Create an ellipse centered at the origin with a major radius of 5 and a minor radius of 2
center = (0, 0)
major_r = 5
minor_r = 2
sketch.ellipse(center, major_r, minor_r)

# Create an ellipse centered at (3, 3) with a major radius of 2 and a minor radius of 5
center = (3, 3)
major_r = 2
minor_r = 5
sketch.ellipse(center, major_r, minor_r)

# Display the created sketch

This code will create a new sketch object in the XY plane, and use the Sketch.ellipse() method to create two elliptical sketches. The first ellipse will be centered at the origin with a major radius of 5 and a minor radius of 2. The second ellipse will be centered at (3, 3) with a major radius of 2 and a minor radius of 5. Finally, the show_object() method is used to display the created sketch.


The Sketch.ellipse() method in the cadquery python library is a useful tool for creating elliptical sketches in the 2D plane. By specifying the center point, major and minor radii, rotation angle and start/end angles, complex shapes can be created easily.