

The threePointArc() method is used to create a 3-point arc on a 2D workplane in the CAD modeling library, CadQuery. This method takes in 3 points - a start point, intermediate point, and end point - to create the arc.


threePointArc(startPoint, intermediatePoint, endPoint, radius=None, forConstruction=False)


  • startPoint: A tuple or list specifying the (x, y) coordinates of the start point of the 3-point arc.
  • intermediatePoint: A tuple or list specifying the (x, y) coordinates of an intermediate point on the arc.
  • endPoint: A tuple or list specifying the (x, y) coordinates of the end point of the 3-point arc.
  • radius: An optional parameter that specifies the radius of the arc. If not provided, the radius is computed based on the 3 points provided.
  • forConstruction: An optional parameter that specifies whether the arc is for construction or not. If set to True, the arc is not included in the final 3D model.


A Workplane object.


import cadquery as cq

# Create a workplane
w = cq.Workplane()

# Define 3 points
start_point = (0, 0)
intermediate_point = (2, 3)
end_point = (4, 0)

# Create a 3-point arc with a radius of 2
arc = w.threePointArc(start_point, intermediate_point, end_point, radius=2)

# Extrude the arc
model = arc.extrude(1)

# Show the model

This code creates a workplane and defines 3 points: start_point, intermediate_point, and end_point. It then creates a 3-point arc on the workplane with a radius of 2 using the threePointArc() method. Finally, the arc is extruded by 1 unit using the extrude() method and the resulting model is shown.