The Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarConstraintType
class represents the different types of constraints that can be applied to rebar elements in a Revit project.
- A pin constraint that fixes the rebar element in place at a certain point.
- A constraint that restricts the movement of the rebar element in a certain direction.
- A constraint that allows the rebar element to be placed in any position and orientation within a specified volume.
- Determines whether a given constraint type is valid for a specific rebar element.
- Returns a string representation of the constraint type.
// create a new rebar element and set its constraint type to RebarPin
Rebar newRebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurvesAndShape(doc, rebarType, null, null, null, views[0], RebarPin, RebarHookOrientation.Left, RebarHookOrientation.Left);
// check if the rebar element's constraint type is valid
bool isValid = RebarConstraintType.IsValidConstraint(newRebar.Constraint);
// get a list of all rebar elements in the document
FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
List<Element> rebars = collector.OfClass(typeof(Rebar)).ToList();
// loop through each rebar element and print its constraint type
foreach (Rebar rebar in rebars)
string constraintType = rebar.Constraint.GetType().ToString();
string message = $"Rebar element ID {rebar.Id} constraint type: {constraintType}.";
TaskDialog.Show("Rebar Constraint Type", message);
- Represents a rebar element in a Revit project.Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarHookOrientation
- Represents the orientation of a hook on a rebar element.