A.1 General Usage

Computer intepretable files are provided specific to this view definition.

Property and quantity templates

Property sets and quantity sets are defined according to formats as follows.

DescriptionASCII fileHTML file
IFC-SPF property and quantity templatesIFC4x3_RC1.ifc 
IFC-XML property and quantity templatesIFC4x3_RC1.ifcxml 
PSD-XML property templates in ZIP fileIFC4x3_RC1-psd.zip 
QTO-XML quantity templates in ZIP fileIFC4x3_RC1-qto.zip 

Model view definition

Model view definitions are defined according to formats as follows.

DescriptionASCII fileHTML file
MVD-XML model view definitionsIFC4x3_RC1.mvdxml 
EXPRESS XSD configurationIFC4x3_RC1.xml 

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