buildingSMART International Limited is an international non-for-profit association of regional and national buildingSMART chapters. The vision of buildingSMART is: Sustainability by building SMARTER |
The mission of buildingSMART is: Contribute to the sustainable built environment through SMARTER information sharing and communication using open international standards in the building and construction sector, private and public. |
The association's values are:
The association's goals in pursuit of its mission are:
buildingSMART develops open standards for Building Information Modeling, open BIM. The standards deal with data models, processes and terms. The Industry Foundation Classes IFC specification constitutes buildingSMART's specification for the buildingSMART data model. Property terms, defined in IFC, are linked to terms defined in the buildingSMART data dictionary. buildingSMART liaises with the International Standardization Organization ISO, regional and national standardization bodies for developing international, regional and national standards. The Industry Foundation Classes IFC specification is registered as ISO 16739. buildingSMART works actively as a A-liaison organization with ISO/TC 59/SC 13. Further editions of IFC will be submitted to ISO/TC 59/SC 13/JWG 12 for acceptance as next addendums or editions of ISO 16739. |