
Natural language names
Associated Surface
Semantic definitions at the function
Function Definition

NOTE  Definition according to ISO/CD 10303-42:1992
The associated surface function determines the unique surface which is associated with the pcurve. It is required by the propositions which apply to surface curve and its subtypes.

NOTE  Function adapted from associated_surface defined in ISO 10303-42.

HISTORY  New function in IFC4 Addendum 2

Formal representations
EXPRESS Specification

FUNCTION IfcAssociatedSurface
(Arg : IfcPcurve) : IfcSurface;

     Surf : IfcSurface;
   Surf := Arg\IfcPcurve.BasisSurface;


References  References: IfcIntersectionCurve IfcSeamCurve

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