
Natural language names
Orthogonal Complement
Semantic definitions at the function
Function Definition

NOTE  Definition according to ISO/CD 10303-42:1992
This function returns a direction which is the orthogonal complement of the input direction. The input direction must be a two-dimensional direction and the result is a vector of the same type and perpendicular to the input vector.

NOTE  Function adapted from orthogonal_complement defined in ISO 10303-42.

HISTORY  New function in IFC1.5

Formal representations
EXPRESS Specification

FUNCTION IfcOrthogonalComplement
  (Vec : IfcDirection)
    : IfcDirection;
  Result : IfcDirection ;
  IF NOT EXISTS (Vec) OR (Vec.Dim <> 2) THEN
    Result := IfcRepresentationItem() || IfcGeometricRepresentationItem () || IfcDirection([-Vec.DirectionRatios[2], Vec.DirectionRatios[1]]);


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