
Natural language names
Same Valid Precision
Semantic definitions at the function
Function Definition

The function compares the epsilon values (given as Precision at IfcGeometricRepresentationContext and ensures that they are the same (with a derivation tolerance) and within reasonable min and max values.

NOTE  In the above function the following three questionable ad-hoc values are used:

HISTORY  New function in IFC2x2

Formal representations
EXPRESS Specification

FUNCTION IfcSameValidPrecision
   (Epsilon1, Epsilon2 : REAL) : LOGICAL ;
    ValidEps1, ValidEps2 : REAL;
    DefaultEps           : REAL := 0.000001;
    DerivationOfEps      : REAL := 1.001;
    UpperEps             : REAL := 1.0;
    ValidEps1 := NVL(Epsilon1, DefaultEps);
    ValidEps2 := NVL(Epsilon2, DefaultEps);
    RETURN ((0.0 < ValidEps1) AND (ValidEps1 <= (DerivationOfEps * ValidEps2)) AND
            (ValidEps2 <= (DerivationOfEps * ValidEps1)) AND (ValidEps2 < UpperEps));


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