Schema   New    
  Type / Select / Entity   Changed    
      Attribute / WR     Deleted Change description
  IfcApprovalStatusEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcApproval   x   (almost all) attributes changed
  IfcApprovalActorRelationship x   new entity
  IfcApprovalPropertyRelationship x   new entity
  IfcApprovalRelationship x   new entity
  IfcAggregatorEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcConstraintIntentEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcMetricDataEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcLogicalOperatorEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcMetricValueSelect   x   entites IfcDateTimeSelect, IfcText, IfcTimeSeries, IfcCostValue added to select type
  IfcActionTimeControl   x entity deleted
  IfcConstraint   x   entity made abstract, some attribute added
  IfcConstraintAggregationRelationship   x   attributes Name, Description added
  IfcConstraintClassificationRelationship x   new entity
  IfcConstraintRelationship x   new entity
  IfcMetric   x   several attributes changed
  IfcObjective   x   attribute UserDefinedQualifier added, attribute sequence changed
  IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship x   new entity
  IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcCostModifierBasisEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcCostOperatorEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcCostUseEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcEnvironmentalImpactCategoryEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcQuantityRoundOffBasisEnum   x Enumeration deleted
  IfcAppliedValueSelect x   new select type
  IfcCostModifierValueSelect   x deleted select type
  IfcAppliedValue x   new entity
  IfcAppliedValueRelationship x   new entity
  IfcCost   x entity deleted
  IfcCostItem x   new entity
  IfcCostModifier   x entity deleted
  IfcCostModifierValue   x entity deleted
  IfcCostQuantity   x entity deleted
  IfcCostValue   x   attributes changed
  IfcCostValueRelationship   x entity deleted
  IfcCurrencyRelationship x   new entity
  IfcEnvironmentalImpactValue x   new entity
  IfcReferencesCostDocument   x   renamed into IfcReferencesValueDocument, several attributes channged
  IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum   x   enumerator USERDEFINED added
  IfcLocalPlacement   x   where rule 1 added
  IfcGeometricCurveSet x   new entity
  IfcGeometricSet   x   where rule 1 added to ensure same dimensionality in set
  IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid x   new entity
  IfcSweptDiskSolid x   new entity
  IfcBSplineCurveForm x   new enumeration for the added b-spline curve support
  IfcBSplineCurve x   new entity to enable b-spline definitions
  IfcBezierCurve x   new entity to enable b-spline definitions
  IfcCurveBoundedPlane   x   attributes OuterBoundary and InnerBoundary now are of type IfcCurve
  IfcPointOnCurve x   new entity
  IfcPointOnSurface x   new entity
  IfcMaterialSelect   x   entities IfcMaterialLayerSet, IfcMaterialLayer added to select type
  IfcFuelProperties x   new entity
  IfcMechanicalConcreteMaterialProperties x   new entity
  IfcMechanicalMaterialProperties   x   attributes YoungModulus, ShearModulus, PoissonRatio, ThermalExpansionCoefficient added
  IfcMechanicalSteelMaterialProperties x   new entity
  IfcProductsOfCombustionProperties x   new entity
  IfcRelaxation x   new entity
  IfcWaterProperties x   new entity
  IfcComplexNumber x   new defined data type
  IfcCurvatureMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcHeatingValueMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcIonConcentrationMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcMassPerLengthMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcPHMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcRotationalMassMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcSectionModulusMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcSoundPowerMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcSoundPressureMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcWarpingConstantMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcWarpingMomentMeasure x   new defined data type
  IfcDerivedUnitEnum   x   several new derived units added as enumerators
  IfcDerivedMeasureValue   x   several new derived measure types added to the select
  IfcMeasureValue   x   measure type IfcComplexNumber added to the select
  IfcColorRGB   x defined type deleted, now entity data type IfcColourRGB used
  IfcPresentableText x   new defined data type
  IfcSurfaceSideEnum   x   renamed in IfcSurfaceSide and moved into IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
  IfcColour x   new select type
  IfcFontSelect x   new select type
  IfcStyledItemSelect   x deleted select type
  IfcColourRgb x   new entity
  IfcColourSpecification x   new entity
  IfcDirectionalLightSource   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcLightSourceDirectional in IfcPresentationOrganizationResource
  IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour x   new entity
  IfcDraughtingPreDefinedTextFont x   new entity
  IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont x   new entity
  IfcPlanarBox x   new entity
  IfcPlanarExtent x   new entity
  IfcPointLightSource   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcLightSourcePositional in IfcPresentationOrganizationResource
  IfcPresentationLightSource   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcLightSource in IfcPresentationOrganizationResource
  IfcPreDefinedColour x   new entity
  IfcPreDefinedItem x   new entity
  IfcPreDefinedTextFont x   new entity
  IfcSpotLightSource   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcLightSourceSpot in IfcPresentationOrganizationResource
  IfcSurfaceExtendedProperties   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcSurfaceStyle in IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
  IfcSurfaceRenderingProperties   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcSurfaceStyleRendering in IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
  IfcSurfaceShadingProperties   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcSurfaceStyleShading in IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
  IfcSurfaceStyle   x   attributes changed, moved into IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
  IfcSurfaceStyleProperties   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect in IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
  IfcPresentationAppearanceResource (new)      
  IfcSpecularExponent x   new defined data type
  IfcSpecularRoughness x   new defined data type
  IfcNullStyle x   new enumerator
  IfcReflectanceMethodEnum x   new enumerator
  IfcSurfaceTextureEnum x   new enumerator
  IfcCharacterSpacingSelect x   new select type
  IfcCharacterStyleSelect x   new select type
  IfcColourOrFactor x   new select type
  IfcCurveFontOrScaledCurveFontSelect x   new select type
  IfcCurveStyleFontSelect x   new select type
  IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect x   new select type
  IfcFillStyleSelect x   new select type
  IfcPresentationStyleSelect x   new select type
  IfcSizeSelect x   new select type
  IfcSpecularHighlightSelect x   new select type
  IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect x   new select type
  IfcSymbolStyleSelect x   new select type
  IfcTextStyleSelect x   new select type
  IfcCurveStyle x   new entity
  IfcCurveStyleFont x   new entity
  IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling x   new entity
  IfcCurveStyleFontPattern x   new entity
  IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont x   new entity
  IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle x   new entity
  IfcExternallyDefinedSufaceStyle x   new entity
  IfcFillAreaStyle x   new entity
  IfcFillAreaStyleHatching x   new entity
  IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle x   new entity
  IfcFillAreaStyleTiles x   new entity
  IfcImageTexture x   new entity
  IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor x   new entity
  IfcPixelTexture x   new entity
  IfcPreDefinedCurveFont x   new entity
  IfcPresentationStyleAssignment x   new entity
  IfcStyledItem x   new entity
  IfcSurfaceStyle   x   entity moved from IfcPresentationResource
  IfcSurfaceStyleLighting x   new entity
  IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction x   new entity
  IfcSurfaceStyleRendering x   new entity
  IfcSurfaceStyleShading x   new entity
  IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures x   new entity
  IfcSurfaceTexture x   new entity
  IfcSymbolStyle x   new entity
  IfcTextStyle x   new entity
  IfcTextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics x   new entity
  IfcTextStyleWithMirror x   new entity
  IfcTextStyleWithSpacing x   new entity
  IfcTextureCoordinate x   new entity
  IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator x   new entity
  IfcTextureMap x   new entity
  IfcTextureVertex x   new entity
  IfcVertexBasedTextureMap x   new entity
  IfcPresentationDefinitionResource (new)      
  IfcTextAlignment x   new enumerator
  IfcTextPath x   new enumerator
  IfcDefinedSymbolSelect x   new select type
  IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence x   new entity
  IfcAnnotationFillArea x   new entity
  IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence x   new entity
  IfcAnnotationOccurrence x   new entity
  IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence x   new entity
  IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence x   new entity
  IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence x   new entity
  IfcDefinedSymbol x   new entity
  IfcExternallyDefinedSymbol x   new entity
  IfcPreDefinedSymbol x   new entity
  IfcTextLiteral x   new entity
  IfcTextLiteralWithExtent x   new entity
  IfcPresentationDimensioningResource (new)      
  IfcDimensionExtentUsage x   new enumerator
  IfcDraughtingCalloutElement x   new select type
  IfcAngularDimension x   new entity
  IfcDiameterDimension x   new entity
  IfcDimensionCalloutRelationship x   new entity
  IfcDimensionCurve x   new entity
  IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout x   new entity
  IfcDimensionCurveTerminator x   new entity
  IfcDraughtingCallout x   new entity
  IfcDraughtingCalloutRelationship x   new entity
  IfcLinearDimension x   new entity
  IfcPreDefinedDimensionSymbol x   new entity
  IfcPreDefinedPointMarkerSymbol x   new entity
  IfcPreDefinedTerminatorSymbol x   new entity
  IfcProjectionCurve x   new entity
  IfcRadiusDimension x   new entity
  IfcStructuredDimensionCallout x   new entity
  IfcTerminatorSymbol x   new entity
  IfcPresentationOrganizationResource (new)      
  IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum x   new defined data type
  IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcLayeredItem x   new select type
  IfcLightDistributionDataSourceSelect x   new select type
  IfcLightDistributionData x   new entity
  IfcLightIntensityDistribution x   new entity
  IfcLightSource x   new entity
  IfcLightSourceAmbient x   new entity
  IfcLightSourceDirectional x   new entity
  IfcLightSourceGoniometric x   new entity
  IfcLightSourcePositional x   new entity
  IfcLightSourceSpot x   new entity
  IfcPresentationLayerAssignment x   new entity
  IfcPresentationLayerAssignmentWithStyle x   new entity
  IfcObjectReferenceSelect   x   entities IfcTimeSeries, IfcAddress, IfcAppliedValue added to select type
  IfcComplexProperty   x   attribute HasProperties changed to SET, WR2 added
  IfcProperty   x   inverse attributes PropertyForDependance, PropertyDependsOn added
  IfcPropertyBoundedValue   x   attributes UpperBoundValue, LowerBoundValue made optional, where rules 2 added
  IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship x   new entity
  IfcPropertyListValue x   new entity
  IfcPropertySet   x   where rule 2 added
  IfcProfilePropertyResource (new)      
  IfcRibPlateDirectionEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcGeneralProfileProperties x   new entity 
  IfcProfileProperties x   new entity 
  IfcReinforcementBarProperties x   new entity 
  IfcRibPlateProfileProperties x   new entity 
  IfcSectionProperties x   new entity 
  IfcSectionReinforcementProperties x   new entity 
  IfcStructuralProfileProperties x   new entity 
  IfcStructuralSteelProfileProperties x   new entity 
  IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef x   new entity to cover non-symetrical extension to IfcIShapeProfileDef
  IfcCShapeProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcCircleHollowProfileDef x   new entity to cover the extension to IfcCircleProfileDef with wall thickness
  IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcEllipseProfileDef   x   attribute Position promoted to new intermediate supertype IfcParameterizedProfileDef
  IfcIShapeProfileDef   x   attribute Position promoted to new intermediate supertype IfcParameterizedProfileDef
  IfcLShapeProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcParameterizedProfileDef x   new abstract entity to generalize all parameterized profile definitions
  IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcRectangleProfileDef   x   attribute Position promoted to new intermediate supertype IfcParameterizedProfileDef
  IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef   x   attribute Position promoted to new intermediate supertype IfcRectangleProfileDef
  IfcTShapeProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcTrapeziumProfileDef   x   attribute Position promoted to new intermediate supertype IfcParameterizedProfileDef
  IfcUShapeProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcZShapeProfileDef x   new entity 
  IfcQuantityArea   x   where rule 2 added
  IfcQuantityCount   x   where rule 2 added
  IfcQuantityLength   x   where rule 2 added
  IfcQuantityTime x   new entity
  IfcQuantityVolume   x   where rule 2 added
  IfcQuantityWeight   x   where rule 2 added
  IfcReferenceGeometryResource (deleted)      
  IfcReferenceEdge   x entity deleted
  IfcReferenceFace   x entity deleted
  IfcReferenceGeometry   x entity deleted
  IfcReferenceVertex   x entity deleted
  IfcGeometricProjectionEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcGeometricRepresentationContext   x   where rule 1 deleted
  IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext x   new entity to deal with different representation sets
  IfcStyledRepresentation x   new entity to allow for styled representations (geometry with presentation information)
  IfcTopologyRepresentation x   new entity to allow for topology representations (topology in world coordinates)
  IfcStructuralLoadResource (new)      
  IfcBoundaryCondition x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcBoundaryFaceCondition x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcBoundaryNodeCondition x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcFailureConnectionCondition x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural conditions
  IfcSlippageConnectionCondition x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural conditions
  IfcStructuralConnectionCondition x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural conditions
  IfcStructuralLoad x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadStatic x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcStructuralLoadTemperature x   new entity to enable the assignment of values for structural activities
  IfcTimeSeriesResource (new)      
  IfcDataOriginEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcIrregularTimeSeries x   new entity 
  IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue x   new entity 
  IfcRegularTimeSeries x   new entity 
  IfcTimeSeries x   new entity 
  IfcTimeSeriesReferenceRelationship x   new entity 
  IfcTimeSeriesValue x   new entity 
  IfcEdgeLoop x   new entity extending the topology model
  IfcFaceBound   x   where rule 1 added
  IfcVertexLoop x   new entity extending the topology model
  IfcTableRow   x   attribute RowCells changed to list of IfcValue
CORE LAYER          
  IfcObject   x   cardinality of inverse attributes Decomposes and IsDecomposedBy changed
  IfcProcess   x   attribute Productivity deleted
  IfcResource   x   attributes ResourceConsumption, BaseUnit deleted
  IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcApprovalUsage   x entity deleted
  IfcConstraintUsage   x entity deleted
  IfcPerformanceHistory x   new entity
  IfcRelAssociatesApproval x   new entity
  IfcRelAssociatesConstraint x   new entity
  IfcTimeSeriesSchedule x   new entity
  IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum x   new enumeration to further specify element assemblies for the assembly location
  IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum x   new enumeration to further specify element assemblies for the (structural / engineering) type
  IfcAnnotation x   new entity to capture "free" 2D content within model space
  IfcBuildingElementType x   new entity to provide type information (abstract)
  IfcCovering   x   moved from IfcSharedBldgElements
  IfcCoveringType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcCovering
  IfcElectricalElement   x   entity marked as deprecated
  IfcElement   x   several new inverse attributes, promoted from subtype IfcBuildingElement
  IfcElementAssembly x   new entity
  IfcElementType x   new entity to provide type information (abstract)
  IfcEquipmentElement   x   entity marked as deprecated
  IfcFeatureElement x   new abstract entity to generalize the definition of features
  IfcFeatureElementAddition x   new abstract entity to generalize the definition of features
  IfcFeatureElementSubtraction x   new abstract entity to generalize the definition of features
  IfcGrid   x   inverse ContainedInStructure added to allow a grid to be contained in a building storey
  IfcOpeningElement   x   subtyping changed to new supertype IfcFeatureElementSubtraction
  IfcPort x   new entity for building service connectivity
  IfcProjectionElement x   new entity to handle "positive" features
  IfcRelAssociatesMaterial   x   where rule 2 changed to allow assignment to all products
  IfcRelConnectsPortToElement x   new entity for building service connectivity
  IfcRelConnectsPorts   x   subtyping changed, attributes FlowDirection and PortConnectionType deleted, Relating/Related now point to IfcPort
  IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure   x   attribute RelatedElements changed to set of IfcProduct
  IfcRelCoversBldgElements   x   moved from IfcSharedBldgElements
  IfcRelFillsElement   x   attribute RelatedBuildingElement changed to IfcElement
  IfcRelProjectsElement x   new entity to handle "positive" features
  IfcRelServicesBuildings   x   attribute RelatedBuildings changed to set of IfcSpatialStructureElement
  IfcRelSpaceBoundary   x   attributes RelatedBuildingElement changed to IfcElement and ConnectionGeometry to IfcConnectionGeometry
  IfcRelVoidsElement   x   attribute RelatingBuildingElement changed to IfcElement and RelatedOpeningElement to IfcFeatureElementSubtraction
  IfcSpatialStructureElement   x   inverse ServicedBySystems promoted from IfcBuilding, where rule 1 added
  IfcTransportElement   x   attribute OperationType made optional
  IfcTransportElementType     new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcTransportElement
  IfcMultiplierOrDivider   x enumeration deleted
  IfcProcedureTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcTaskMilestoneEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcTaskStatusEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcWorkControlTypeEnum   x   enumerator USERDEFINED NOTDEFINED added
  IfcProcedure x   new entity
  IfcRelAssignsTasks   x   attribute Milestone deleted
  IfcRelUsesResource   x entity deleted
  IfcScheduleTimeControl   x   attribute type IfcCalendarDate changed into IfcDateTimeSelect
  IfcTask   x   several attributes changed
  IfcWorkControl   x   attribute type IfcCalendarDate changed into IfcDateTimeSelect
  IfcBeamTypeEnum x   new enumeration to further qualify beam types
  IfcColumnTypeEnum x   new enumeration to further qualify column types
  IfcCoveringTypeEnum   x   moved to IfcProductExtension, enumerators INSULATION MEMBRANE SLEEVING WRAPPING added
  IfcMemberTypeEnum x   new enumeration to further qualify linear structural component types
  IfcRampFlightTypeEnum x   new enumeration to further qualify ramp flight types
  IfcStairFlightTypeEnum x   new enumeration to further qualify stair flight types
  IfcWallTypeEnum x   new enumeration to further qualify wall types
  IfcBeamAndColumnType x   new abstract entity to provide type information to members in general
  IfcBeamType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcBeam
  IfcColumnType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcColumn
  IfcCovering   x   attribute PrdefinedType made Optional, moved to IfcProductExtension
  IfcCurtainWall   x   where rule 1 deleted
  IfcMemberType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcBeam or IfcColumn
  IfcRailing   x   entity moved from IfcArchitectureDomain
  IfcRailingType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcRailing
  IfcRampFlightType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcRampFlight
  IfcRelCoversBldgElements   x   attribute RelatingBuildingElement changed to IfcElement,  moved to IfcProductExtension
  IfcSlab   x   attribute PredefinedType made optional
  IfcSlabType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcSlab
  IfcStairFlightType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcStairFlight
  IfcWallType x   new entity to provide type information to existing occurrence class IfcWall
  IfcAirFlowTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcAirTerminalCoreTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcAirTerminalFaceTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcAirTerminalFinishTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcAirTerminalMountingTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcCoilFlowArrangementEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcDiscreteElementTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcDistributionFlowElementTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcEnergySourceEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFanArrangementEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFanDischargeTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFanDriveArrangementEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFanMountingTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFanPressureClassEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFanRotationEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFanWheelTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcEnergySequenceEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcFlowDirectionEnum   x   enumerator USERDEFINED deleted
  IfcFlowFittingTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcFlowSegmentTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcHeatExchangerArrangementEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, some alignments and moved into IfcHvacDomain
  IfcHydronicHeaterTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcLossOrGainEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, some alignments and moved into IfcElectricalDomain
  IfcPortConnectionTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcPrimaryFittingEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcPumpBaseTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcPropertySourceEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcPumpTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, some alignments and moved into IfcElectricalDomain
  IfcRequirementOrCriteriaEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, new enumerators and moved into IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain
  IfcSoundScaleEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcThermalLoadTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, splitted into this and the IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum
  IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcAirFilter   x entity deleted
  IfcAirTerminal   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcFlowTerminal with type IfcAirTerminalType
  IfcBoiler   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcEnergyConversionDevice with type IfcBoilerType
  IfcChiller   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcEnergyConversionDevice with type IfcChillerType
  IfcCoil   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcEnergyConversionDevice with type IfcCoilType
  IfcCompressor   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcFlowMovingDevice with type IfcCompressorType
  IfcControlElement   x entity deleted
  IfcCoolingTower   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcEnergyConversionDevice with type IfcCoolingTowerType
  IfcDiscreteElement   x entity deleted, use IfcDiscreteAccessory in IfcSharedComponentElements
  IfcDistributionChamberElement x   new entity
  IfcDistributionChamberElementType x   new entity
  IfcDistributionControlElement x   new entity
  IfcDistributionControlElementType x   new entity
  IfcDistributionElementType x   new entity
  IfcDistributionFlowElement   x   attribute FlowElementType deleted
  IfcDistributionFlowElementType x   new entity
  IfcDistributionPort x   new entity
  IfcElectricalBaseProperties   x   attributes InputVoltage, InputFrequency made non-optional, attribute InputPhase added
  IfcEnergyConversionDevice x   new entity
  IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType x   new entity
  IfcEnergyProperties x   new entity
  IfcFan   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcFlowMovingDevice with type IfcFanType
  IfcFlowControllerType x   new abstract entity
  IfcFlowFitting   x   attributes PredefinedType, PrimaryFittingType deleted
  IfcFlowFittingType x   new abstract entity
  IfcFlowMovingDevice x   new entity
  IfcFlowMovingDeviceType x   new abstract entity
  IfcFlowSegment   x   attribute PredefinedType deleted
  IfcFlowSegmentType x   new abstract entity
  IfcFlowStorageDevice x   new entity
  IfcFlowStorageDeviceType x   new abstract entity
  IfcFlowTerminalType x   new abstract entity
  IfcFlowTreatmentDevice x   new entity
  IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType x   new abstract entity
  IfcFluidFlowProperties   x   several attributes changed
  IfcFluidMovingDevice   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcFlowMovingDevice
  IfcHeatExchanger   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcEnergyConversionDevice with type IfcHeatExchangerType
  IfcHeatTransferDevice   x entity deleted
  IfcHydronicHeater   x entity deleted
  IfcPump   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcFlowMovingDevice with type IfcPumpType
  IfcSanitaryTerminal   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcFlowTerminal with type IfcSanitaryTerminalType
  IfcSoundProperties x   new entity
  IfcSoundValue x   new entity
  IfcSpaceThermalLoad   x   entity renamed into IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties, several attributes changed
  IfcStorageDevice   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcFlowStorageDevice
  IfcTank   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcFlowStorageDevice with type IfcTankType
  IfcTreatmentDevice   x entity deleted, replaced by IfcFlowTreadmentDevice
  IfcTubeBundle   x entity deleted occurrences now handled by IfcEnergyConversionDevice  with type IfcTubeBundleType
  IfcUnitHeater   x entity deleted
  IfcSharedComponentElements (new)      
  IfcChamferEdgeFeature x   new entity
  IfcDiscreteAccessory x   new entity
  IfcDiscreteAccessoryType x   new entity
  IfcEdgeFeature x   new entity
  IfcElementComponent x   new entity
  IfcElementComponentType x   new entity
  IfcFastener x   new entity
  IfcFastenerType x   new entity
  IfcMechanicalFastener x   new entity
  IfcMechanicalFastenerType x   new entity
  IfcPlate x   new entity
  IfcPlateType x   new entity
  IfcRoundedEdgeFeature x   new entity
  IfcInventoryTypeEnum   x   enumerator USERDEFINED, NOTDEFINED added
  IfcRiskTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcServiceLifeFactorTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcServiceLifeTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcAsset   x   (almost all) attributes changed
  IfcFurniture   x entity deleted, generalized into IfcFurnitureElement
  IfcFurnitureType x   new entity
  IfcManufacturerInformation   x entity deleted
  IfcOccupant   x   entity moved from IfcSharedSpatialElements
  IfcServiceLife x   new entity
  IfcServiceLifeFactor x   new entity
  IfcSystemFurnitureElement   x entity deleted
  IfcSystemFurnitureElementType x   new entity
  IfcChangeOrderStatusEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcProjectOrderRecordTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcPurchaseOrderStatusEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcWorkOrderRiskTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcWorkOrderStatusEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcBudget   x entity deleted
  IfcChangeOrder   x entity deleted
  IfcCostSchedule   x   several attributes changed
  IfcProjectOrder   x   several attributes changed or deleted
  IfcProjectOrderRecord x   new entity
  IfcPurchaseOrder   x entity deleted
  IfcRelAssignsToProjectOrder x   new entity
  IfcRelAssociatesAppliedValue x   new entity
  IfcRelCostsObjects   x entity deleted now handled by IfcRelAssociatesAppliedValue
  IfcRelSchedulesCostItems x   new entity
  IfcWorkOrder   x entity deleted
  IfcSharedSpatialElements (deleted)      
  IfcOccupantTypeEnum   x   several enumerators added and moved into IfcSharedFacilitiesElements 
  IfcCompartment   x entity deleted, use IfcZone instead
  IfcOccupant   x   enttiy moved into IfcSharedFacilitiesMmgt, attributes LeeseOrRentalDate, LeeseOrRentalPeriod, UnlimitedPeriod deleted
  IfcBuiltInTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcJointEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcAssessory   x entity deleted, now represented by IfcDiscreteAccessory in IfcSharedComponentElements
  IfcBuiltIn   x entity deleted, now represented by IfcFurnitureElement in IfcProductExtension
  IfcConnectionConstraint   x entity deleted
  IfcPermeableCoveringProperties   x   attribute ShapeAspectStyle made optional
  IfcRailing   x   entity moved into IfcSharedBldgElements
  IfcRelInteractionRequirements   x   attributes RelatingActor, RelatedActor deleted
  IfcSpaceProgram   x   attributes MinEstimatedCost, MaxEstimatedCost deleted
  IfcSpaceProgramGroup   x entity deleted
  IfcBuildingControlsDomain (new)      
  IfcActuatorTypeEnum   x   enumerator THERMOSTATICACTUATOR added
  IfcAlarmTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcControllerTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcActuatorType x   new entity
  IfcAlarmType x   new entity
  IfcFlowInstrumentType x   new entity
  IfcSensorType x   new entity
  IfcCMDocPackage   x entity deleted
  IfcConstructionEquipmentResource   x   attributes changed due to changed inheritance
  IfcConstructionMaterialResource   x   attributes changed due to changed inheritance
  IfcConstructionProductResource   x   attributes changed due to changed inheritance
  IfcConstructionResource x   new abstract intermediate entity for construction resources
  IfcCrewResource   x   attributes changed due to changed inheritance
  IfcLaborResource   x   attributes changed due to changed inheritance, attribute Title deleted
  IfcRelAggregatesResources   x entity deleted
  IfcSubContractResource   x   attributes changed due to changed inheritance, attribute SubContractResourceID deleted
  IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcElectricalApplianceTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcElectricDistributionPointFunctionEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcElectricHeaterTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcMotorHousingEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcMotorWindingEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcOutletTypeEnum   x   enumerators AUDIOVISUALOUTLET COMMUNICATIONSOUTLET added
  IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcTransformerTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcCableCarrierFittingType x   new entity
  IfcCableCarrierSegmentType x   new entity
  IfcCableSegmentType x   new entity
  IfcElectricMotor   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcEnergyConversionDevice with type IfcElectricMotorType
  IfcElectricalAppliance   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcFlowTerminal with type IfcElectricalApplianceType
  IfcElectricApplianceType x   new entity
  IfcElectricDistributionPoint x   new entity
  IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType x   new entity
  IfcElectricGeneratorType x   new entity
  IfcElectricHeaterType x   new entity
  IfcElectricMotorType x   new entity
  IfcElectricTimeControlType x   new entity
  IfcJunctionBoxType x   new entity
  IfcLightFixture   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcFlowTerminal with type IfcLightFixtureType
  IfcLightFixtureType x   new entity
  IfcMotorConnectionType x   new entity
  IfcOutlet   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcFlowTerminal with type IfcOutletType
  IfcOutletType x   new entity
  IfcProtectiveDeviceType x   new entity
  IfcSwitchingDeviceType x   new entity
  IfcTransformerType x   new entity
  IfcMaintenanceTypeEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcConditionCriterionSelect x   new select type
  IfcFMStandardSelect   x select type deleted
  IfcActionRequest x   new entity
  IfcCondition x   new entity
  IfcConditionCriterion x   new entity
  IfcMaintenanceRecord   x entity deleted
  IfcMaintenanceWorkOrder   x entity deleted
  IfcMove   x   attribute MoveConstraints deleted, where rule 3 added
  IfcOrderAction x   new entity
  IfcPermit x   new entity
  IfcRelAssignsFMStandard   x entity deleted
  IfcRelMaintenanceEvent   x entity deleted
  IfcActuatorFailPositionEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcAirTerminalBoxEnum   x   renamed into IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum, enumerators changed, type and not occurrence driven now
  IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcBoilerTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, GASFIRED deleted, HOTWATER changed to WATER, other alignments
  IfcChillerTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, other alignments
  IfcCoilTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, enumerators replaced and other alignments
  IfcCompressorTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, enumerators replaced, many new added and other alignments
  IfcCondenserTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, enumerators replaced and other alignments
  IfcDamperSizingMethodEnum   x enumeration deleted
  IfcDamperTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, new enumerators added
  IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcFanTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcFilterTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcGasTerminalTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcHumidifierTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcSensorTypeEnum   x   enumeration changed, new enumerators added
  IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcTankTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcValveEnum   x   enumeration changed, new enumerators added and renamed into IfcValveTypeEnum for types and not occurrences
  IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcActuator   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcDistributionControlElement with type IfcActuatorType
  IfcAirTerminalBox   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcFlowController with type IfcAirTerminalBoxType
  IfcAirTerminalBoxType x   new entity
  IfcAirTerminalType x   new entity
  IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType x   new entity
  IfcBoilerType x   new entity
  IfcChillerType x   new entity
  IfcCoilType x   new entity
  IfcCompressorType x   new entity
  IfcCondenserType x   new entity
  IfcController   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcDistributionControlElement with type IfcControllerType
  IfcControllerType x   new entity
  IfcCooledBeamType x   new entity
  IfcCoolingTowerType x   new entity
  IfcDamper   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcFlowController with type IfcDamperType
  IfcDamperType x   new entity
  IfcDuctFittingType x   new entity
  IfcDuctSegmentType x   new entity
  IfcDuctSilencerType x   new entity
  IfcEvaporativeCoolerType x   new entity
  IfcEvaporatorType x   new entity
  IfcFanType x   new entity
  IfcFilterType x   new entity
  IfcFlowMeterType x   new entity
  IfcGasTerminalType x   new entity
  IfcHeatExchangerType x   new entity
  IfcHumidifierType x   new entity
  IfcPipeFittingType x   new entity
  IfcPipeSegmentType x   new entity
  IfcPumpType x   new entity
  IfcSensor   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcDistributionControlElement with type IfcSensorType
  IfcSpaceHeaterType x   new entity
  IfcTankType x   new entity
  IfcTubeBundleType x   new entity
  IfcUnitaryEquipmentType x   new entity
  IfcValve   x entity deleted, occurrences now handled by IfcFlowController with type IfcValveType
  IfcValveType x   new entity
  IfcVibrationIsolatorType x   new entity
  IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain (new)      
  IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType x   new entity
  IfcSanitaryTerminalType x   new entity
  IfcStackTerminalType x   new entity
  IfcWasteTerminalType x   new entity
  IfcStructuralAnalysisDomain (new)      
  IfcActionSourceTypeEnum x   new enumeration for structural analysis
  IfcActionTypeEnum x   new enumeration for structural analysis
  IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum x   new enumeration for structural analysis
  IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum x   new enumeration for structural analysis
  IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum x   new enumeration for structural analysis
  IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum x   new enumeration for structural analysis
  IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum x   new enumeration for structural analysis
  IfcStructuralActivityAssignmentSelect x   new select type
  IfcRelAssociatesProfileProperties x   new entity
  IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity x   new entity
  IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember x   new entity
  IfcStructuralAction x   new entity
  IfcStructuralActivity x   new entity
  IfcStructuralAnalysisModel x   new entity
  IfcStructuralConnection x   new entity
  IfcStructuralCurveConnection x   new entity
  IfcStructuralCurveMember x   new entity
  IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying x   new entity
  IfcStructuralItem x   new entity
  IfcStructuralLinearAction x   new entity
  IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying x   new entity
  IfcStructuralLoadGroup x   new entity
  IfcStructuralMember x   new entity
  IfcStructuralPlanarAction x   new entity
  IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying x   new entity
  IfcStructuralPointAction x   new entity
  IfcStructuralPointConnection x   new entity
  IfcStructuralPointReaction x   new entity
  IfcStructuralElementsDomain (new)      
  IfcFootingTypeEnum x   new enumeration for fundation design
  IfcPileConstructionEnum x   new enumeration for fundation design
  IfcPileTypeEnum x   new enumeration for fundation design
  IfcPlateTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcTendonTypeEnum x   new enumeration
  IfcBuildingElementComponent x   new entity
  IfcBuildingElementComponentType x   new entity
  IfcBuildingElementPart x   new entity
  IfcFooting x   new entity for fundation design
  IfcPile x   new entity for fundation design
  IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties x   new entity for reinforcement design
  IfcReinforcingBar x   new entity for reinforcement design
  IfcReinforcingElement x   new entity for reinforcement design
  IfcReinforcingMesh x   new entity for reinforcement design
  IfcTendon x   new entity for reinforcement design
  IfcTendonAnchor x   new entity for reinforcement design