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Definition from IAI: A compound measure of plane angle in degrees minutes and seconds of arc.

NOTE: IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure is used where angles need to be described to an accuracy of less than one degree and expressed as parts of an arc. It may be used for angular measurement by surveyors or for other angular measurements where precision is required. It should not be used for angular measurements which may be expressed in decimal fractions of a degree; for which purpose the IfcPlaneAngleMeasure is provided.


HISTORY New type in IFC Release 1.5.1.

EXPRESS specification:

TYPE IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure = LIST [3:3] OF INTEGER;
WR1  :  { -360 <= SELF[1] < 360 };
WR2  :  { -60 <= SELF[2] < 60 };
WR3  :  { -60 <= SELF[3] < 60 };
WR4  :  ((SELF[1] >= 0) AND (SELF[2] >= 0) AND (SELF[3] >= 0)) OR ((SELF[1] <= 0) AND (SELF[2] <= 0) AND (SELF[3] <= 0));

Formal Propositions:

WR1  :  The first measure (grad) shall be between -360 and 360 degree.
WR2  :  The second measure (minutes) shall be between -60 and 60.
WR3  :  The third measure (seconds) shall be between -60 and 60.
WR4  :  The measure components shall have the same sign (positive or negative).