
Natural language names
Rolle des Akteurs
Actor Role
Rôle d'acteur
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

This entity indicates a role which is performed by an actor, either a person, an organization or a person related to an organization.

NOTE  The list of roles of the enumeration values of the Role attribute can never be complete. Therefore using enumeration value USERDEFINED, the user can provide any role as a value of the attribute UserDefinedRole.

NOTE  Entity adapted from organization_role and person_role defined in ISO 10303-41.

HISTORY  New entity in IFC1.5.1.

Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription G
1RoleIfcRoleEnum The name of the role played by an actor. If the Role has value USERDEFINED, then the user defined role shall be provided as a value of the attribute UserDefinedRole. X
2UserDefinedRoleIfcLabel? Allows for specification of user defined roles beyond the enumeration values provided by Role attribute of type IfcRoleEnum. When a value is provided for attribute UserDefinedRole in parallel the attribute Role shall have enumeration value USERDEFINED. X
3DescriptionIfcText? A textual description relating the nature of the role played by an actor. X
S[0:?]Reference to external information, e.g. library, classification, or document information, which is associated with the actor role.
IFC4 CHANGE  New inverse attribute.
Formal Propositions
WR1If the attribute Role has the enumeration value USERDEFINED then a value for the attribute UserDefinedRole shall be asserted.
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance
Attribute inheritance
1RoleIfcRoleEnum The name of the role played by an actor. If the Role has value USERDEFINED, then the user defined role shall be provided as a value of the attribute UserDefinedRole. X
2UserDefinedRoleIfcLabel? Allows for specification of user defined roles beyond the enumeration values provided by Role attribute of type IfcRoleEnum. When a value is provided for attribute UserDefinedRole in parallel the attribute Role shall have enumeration value USERDEFINED. X
3DescriptionIfcText? A textual description relating the nature of the role played by an actor. X
S[0:?]Reference to external information, e.g. library, classification, or document information, which is associated with the actor role.
IFC4 CHANGE  New inverse attribute.
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcActorRole" type="ifc:IfcActorRole" substitutionGroup="ifc:Entity" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcActorRole">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:Entity">
    <xs:attribute name="Role" type="ifc:IfcRoleEnum" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="UserDefinedRole" type="ifc:IfcLabel" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Description" type="ifc:IfcText" use="optional"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcActorRole;
  Role : IfcRoleEnum;
  UserDefinedRole : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
  Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
  HasExternalReference : SET [0:?] OF IfcExternalReferenceRelationship FOR RelatedResourceObjects;
  WR1 : (Role <> IfcRoleEnum.USERDEFINED) OR
((Role = IfcRoleEnum.USERDEFINED) AND

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

References  References: IfcRelAssignsToActor IfcOrganization IfcPerson IfcPersonAndOrganization IfcResourceObjectSelect

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