
Natural language names
Liste von Indizes für Texturen auf Dreiecken
Indexed Triangle Texture Map
Change log
IFC2x3 to IFC4
IFC4 Addendum 1
      TexCoordIndexMODIFIEDType changed from INTEGER to IfcPositiveInteger.
IFC2x3 to IFC4
IFC4 Addendum 1
      TexCoordIndexMODIFIEDType changed from INTEGER to IfcPositiveInteger.
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

The IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap provides the mapping of the 2-dimensional texture coordinates to the surface onto which it is mapped. It is used for mapping the texture to triangles of the IfcTriangulatedFaceSet.

The IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap defines an index into an indexed list of texture coordinates. The TexCoordIndex is a two-dimensional list, where

The TexCoords defined at supertype IfcIndexedTextureMap are a two-dimensional list of texture coordinates provided by two parameter values. Each index of the second dimension list of TexCoordIndex points to a texture vertex in TexCoords.

Figure 390 shows the use of IfcTriangulatedFaceSet with textures.


Figure 390 — Indexed triangle texture map


Figure 391 illustrates an IfcTriangulatedFaceSet represented by
IfcTriangulatedFaceSet.CoordIndex: ((1,6,5), (1,2,6), (6,2,7), (7,2,3), (7,8,6), (6,8,5), (5,8,1), (1,8,4), (4,2,1), (2,4,3), (4,8,7), (7,3,4))
IfcCartesianPointList.CoordList: ((0.,0.,0.), (1.,0.,0.), (1.,1.,0.), (0.,1.,0.), (0.,0.,2.), (1.,0.,2.), (1.,1.,2.), (0.,1.,2.))
IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap.TexCoordsIndex: ((1 4 3), (1 2 4), (3 1 4), (4 1 2), (8 7 6), (6 7 5), (4 3 2), (2 3 1), (5 8 7), (8 5 6), (2 4 3), (3 1 2))
IfcTextureVertexList.TexCoordsList: ((0. -0.5), (1. -0.5), (0. 1.5), (1. 1.5), (0. 0.), (0. 1.), (1. 0.), (1. 1.))


Figure 391 — Indexed triangle texture map geometry


HISTORY  New entity in IFC4.

Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription G
4TexCoordIndexIfcPositiveInteger? L[1:?] L[3:3] Index into the IfcTextureVertexList for each vertex of the triangles representing the IfcTriangulatedFaceSet. X
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance IfcIndexedTextureMap IfcTextureCoordinate IfcPresentationItem
Attribute inheritance
1MapsIfcSurfaceTextureL[1:?] Reference to the one (or many in case of multi textures with identity transformation to geometric surfaces) subtype(s) of IfcSurfaceTexture that are mapped to a geometric surface by the texture coordinate transformation. X
2MappedToIfcTessellatedFaceSet Reference to the IfcTessellatedFaceSet to which it applies the texture map. X
3TexCoordsIfcTextureVertexList Indexable list of texture vertices. X
4TexCoordIndexIfcPositiveInteger? L[1:?] L[3:3] Index into the IfcTextureVertexList for each vertex of the triangles representing the IfcTriangulatedFaceSet. X
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap" type="ifc:IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcIndexedTextureMap" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcIndexedTextureMap">
    <xs:attribute name="TexCoordIndex" use="optional">
        <xs:list itemType="ifc:IfcPositiveInteger"/>
       <xs:minLength value="3"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcIndexedTextureMap);
  TexCoordIndex : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF LIST [3:3] OF IfcPositiveInteger;

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

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