Definition from IAI: The IfcGroup is an
generalization of any arbitrary group. A group is a logical collection
of objects. It does not have its own position, nor can it hold its own
shape representation. Therefore a group is an aggregation under some
non-geometrical / topological grouping aspects.
NOTE Use IfcRelDecomposes
together with the appropriate subtypes of IfcProduct
to define an aggregation of products that may have its own position and
shape representation.
EXAMPLE An example for a group
is the system, since it groups elements under the aspect of their role,
regardless of their position in a building.
A group can hold any collection of objects
(being products, processes,
controls, resources, actors or other groups). Thus groups can be
nested. An object can be part of zero, one, or many groups. Grouping
relationships are not required to be hierarchical.
NOTE Use IfcRelDecomposes
together with the appropriate subtypes of IfcProduct
to define an hieraarchical aggregation of products.
The group collection is handled by an instance of IfcRelAssignsToGroup,
which assigns all group members to the IfcGroup.
New entity in IFC Release 1.0.
EXPRESS specification:
Attribute definitions:
Contains the relationship that assigns the group members to the group object.
Inheritance graph