Definition from IAI: An action taking place
in building construction with the intent of designing, costing,
acquiring, constructing, or maintaining products or other and similar
tasks or procedures. Processes are placed in sequence (including
overlapping for parallel tasks) in time, the relationship IfcRelSequence
it used to capture the predecessors and successors of the process.
Processes can have resources assigned to it, this is handled by the
relationship IfcRelAssignsToProcess.
New entity in IFC Release 1.0.
PLATFORM CHANGE The attribute Productivity has been removed
from the
abstract entity, it may be later reintroduced at a lower level in the
EXPRESS specification:
Attribute definitions:
Set of Relationships to objects that are operated on by the process.
Relative placement in time, refers to the previous processes for which this process is successor.
Relative placement in time, refers to the subsequent processes for which this process is predecessor.
Inheritance graph