Definition from IAI: The nesting relationship IfcRelNests
is a special type of the general composition/decomposition (or whole/part)
relationship IfcRelDecomposes. The nesting relationship can be applied
to all subtypes of object, however it requires both the whole and the part to
be of the same object type.
EXAMPLE: A nesting of costs is the composition
of a complex cost from other costs. A nesting of work tasks is the composition
of an overall work task from more specific work tasks. In all cases the whole
has the same type as the parts.
Decompositions imply a dependency, i.e. the definition of the whole
depends on the definition of the parts and the parts depend on the existence of
the whole. The behaviour that is implied from the dependency has to be
established inside the applications.
HISTORY: New entity in IFC Release
EXPRESS specification:
SIZEOF(QUERY(Temp <* SELF\IfcRelDecomposes.RelatedObjects |
NOT(TYPEOF(SELF\IfcRelDecomposes.RelatingObject) = TYPEOF(Temp)))) = 0;
Formal Propositions:
The type of the RelatingObject shall always be the same as the type of each RelatedObject, i.e. the RelatingObject
and all RelatedObject's are of the same type.
Inheritance graph