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Definition from IAI: Definition of a surface style through referencing an external source (e.g. a material library for rendering information).

NOTE  In order to achieve expected results , the externally defined surface style should normally only be given in addition to an explicitly defined surface styles.

HISTORY  New entity in Release IFC2x  Edition 2.
IFC2x Edition 3 CHANGE  The spelling has been corrected from IfcExternallyDefinedSufaceStyle with no upward compatibility.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcExternalReference);

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle;
ENTITY IfcExternalReference;
Location  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
ItemReference  :  OPTIONAL IfcIdentifier;
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
ENTITY IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle;