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Definition from ISO/CD 10303-46:1992: The styled item is an assignment of style for presentation to a geometric representation item as it is used in a representation.

Definition from IAI: The IfcStyledItem holds presentation style information for products, either explicitly for an IfcGeometricRepresentationItem being part of an IfcShapeRepresentation assigned to a product, or by assigning presentation information to IfcMaterial being assigned as other representation for a product.

NOTE  Corresponding STEP name: styled_item. Please refer to ISO/IS 10303-46:1994 for the final definition of the formal standard.

HISTORY  New entity in Release IFC2x Edition 2.
IFC2x Edition 2 Addendum 1 CHANGE  The entity IfcStyledItem has been made non abstract and the attribute Name has been promoted from subtype IfcAnnotationOccurrence. Upward compatibility for file based exchange is guaranteed.
IFC2x Edition 3 CHANGE  The attribute Item has been made optional, upward compatibility for file based exchange is guaranteed.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcStyledItem
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcRepresentationItem);
Item  :  OPTIONAL IfcRepresentationItem;
Styles  :  SET [1:?] OF IfcPresentationStyleAssignment;
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
WR11  :  SIZEOF(Styles) = 1;

Attribute definitions:

Item  :  A geometric representation item to which the style is assigned.
IFC2x Edition 2 Addendum 2 CHANGE The attribute Item has been made optional. Upward compatibility for file based exchange is guaranteed.
Styles  :  Representation style assignments which are assigned to an item. NOTE: In current IFC release only one presentation style assignment shall be assigned.
Name  :  The word, or group of words, by which the styled item is referred to.

Formal Propositions:

WR11  :  Restricts the number of styles to 1 (the datatype SET remains for compatibility reasons with ISO 10303-46).
WR12  :  A styled item cannot be styled by another styled item.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcStyledItem;
ENTITY IfcRepresentationItem;
LayerAssignments  :  SET OF IfcPresentationLayerAssignment FOR AssignedItems;
StyledByItem  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcStyledItem FOR Item;
ENTITY IfcStyledItem;
Item  :  OPTIONAL IfcRepresentationItem;
Styles  :  SET [1:?] OF IfcPresentationStyleAssignment;
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;