Definition from IAI: The entity IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity
adds the definition of eccentricity to the connection between
a structural member and a structural connection (representing either a
node or support).
entity in Release IFC2x Edition 3.
Use Definition
Point Connection
Instances of the entity IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity shall
be used to describe a connection with eccentricity between an instance
of IfcStructuralPointConnection
and an instance of IfcStructuralCurveMember
or IfcStructuralSurfaceMember. The RelatedStructuralConnection
for point connections therefore has to be of type'IfcStructuralPointConnection'.
The eccentricity is defined by a connection constraint being of type 'IfcConnectionPointGeometry',
or by its subtype 'IfcConnectionPointEccentricity'.
It refers to the IfcVertexPoint, used by the IfcStructuralCurveMember,
or IfcStructuralSurfaceMember, that is used in this
connection, and optionally to the IfcVertexPoint,
used by the IfcStructuralPointConnection. In
addition the eccentricity can be given by x, y, and z distance values.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity
Attribute definitions:
The connection constraint explicitly states the eccentricity between a structural element and a structural connection, either given by two point (used to calculate the eccentricity), or by explicit x, y, and z offsets.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity;