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Definition from IAI: A series of longitudinal and transverse wires or bars of various gauges, arranged at right angles to each other and welded at all points of intersection; usually used for concrete slab reinforcement. Also known as welded wire fabric.

HISTORY New entity in IFC Release 2x2

Property Set Use Definition:

The property sets relating to the IfcReinforcingMesh are defined by the IfcPropertySet and attached by the IfcRelDefinesByProperties relationship. It is accessible by the inverse IsDefinedBy relationship. The following property set definitions specific to the IfcReinforcingMesh are part of this IFC release:

Geometry Use Definitions:

The geometric representation of IfcReinforcinMesh is given by the IfcProductDefinitionShape, allowing multiple geometric representations. Included are:

Local Placement
The use of local placement is defined in the supertype IfcBuildingElementComponent.

Standard Geometric Representation
The use of Standard Geometric Representations is defined in the supertype IfcBuildingElementComponent.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcReinforcingMesh
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcReinforcingElement);
MeshLength  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
MeshWidth  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
TransverseBarNominalDiameter  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea  :  IfcAreaMeasure;
TransverseBarCrossSectionArea  :  IfcAreaMeasure;
LongitudinalBarSpacing  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
TransverseBarSpacing  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;

Attribute definitions:

MeshLength  :  The overall length of the mesh measured in its longitudinal direction.
MeshWidth  :  The overall width of the mesh measured in its transversal direction.
LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter  :  The nominal diameter denoting the cross-section size of the longitudinal bars.
TransverseBarNominalDiameter  :  The nominal diameter denoting the cross-section size of the transverse bars.
LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea  :  The effective cross-section area of the longitudinal bars of the mesh.
TransverseBarCrossSectionArea  :  The effective cross-section area of the transverse bars of the mesh.
LongitudinalBarSpacing  :  The spacing between the longitudinal bars. Note: an even distribution of bars is presumed; other cases are handled by Psets.
TransverseBarSpacing  :  The spacing between the transverse bars. Note: an even distribution of bars is presumed; other cases are handled by Psets.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcReinforcingMesh;
GlobalId  :  IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory  :  IfcOwnerHistory;
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition;
HasAssignments  :  SET OF IfcRelAssigns FOR RelatedObjects;
IsDecomposedBy  :  SET OF IfcRelDecomposes FOR RelatingObject;
Decomposes  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcRelDecomposes FOR RelatedObjects;
HasAssociations  :  SET OF IfcRelAssociates FOR RelatedObjects;
ENTITY IfcObject;
ObjectType  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
IsDefinedBy  :  SET OF IfcRelDefines FOR RelatedObjects;
ENTITY IfcProduct;
ObjectPlacement  :  OPTIONAL IfcObjectPlacement;
Representation  :  OPTIONAL IfcProductRepresentation;
ReferencedBy  :  SET OF IfcRelAssignsToProduct FOR RelatingProduct;
ENTITY IfcElement;
Tag  :  OPTIONAL IfcIdentifier;
FillsVoids  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcRelFillsElement FOR RelatedBuildingElement;
ConnectedTo  :  SET OF IfcRelConnectsElements FOR RelatingElement;
HasCoverings  :  SET OF IfcRelCoversBldgElements FOR RelatingBuildingElement;
HasProjections  :  SET OF IfcRelProjectsElement FOR RelatingElement;
HasStructuralMember  :  SET OF IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement FOR RelatingElement;
ReferencedInStructures  :  SET OF IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure FOR RelatedElements;
HasPorts  :  SET OF IfcRelConnectsPortToElement FOR RelatedElement;
HasOpenings  :  SET OF IfcRelVoidsElement FOR RelatingBuildingElement;
IsConnectionRealization  :  SET OF IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements FOR RealizingElements;
ProvidesBoundaries  :  SET OF IfcRelSpaceBoundary FOR RelatedBuildingElement;
ConnectedFrom  :  SET OF IfcRelConnectsElements FOR RelatedElement;
ContainedInStructure  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure FOR RelatedElements;
ENTITY IfcBuildingElement;
ENTITY IfcBuildingElementComponent;
ENTITY IfcReinforcingElement;
SteelGrade  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
ENTITY IfcReinforcingMesh;
MeshLength  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
MeshWidth  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
TransverseBarNominalDiameter  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea  :  IfcAreaMeasure;
TransverseBarCrossSectionArea  :  IfcAreaMeasure;
LongitudinalBarSpacing  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
TransverseBarSpacing  :  IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;