Definition from IAI: The abstract entity IfcStructuralLoad
is the supertype of all loads which can be defined (actions or reactions, as
well as dynamic or static).
Subtypes of this entity are an important part of the definition of
actions and reactions. They are used to specify the load values. The location
and the used coordinate system are defined by instances of
IfcStructuralActivity which reference an instance of
IfcStructuralLoad for the definition of the load values. This offers the
possibility to use instances of IfcStructuralLoad by several instances
of IfcStructuralActivity.
NOTE: Within the scope of this IFC release dynamic
loads are not considered, therefore only one subtype,
IfcStructuralLoadStatic, is defined.
HISTORY: New entity in Release IFC2x
edition 2.
EXPRESS specification:
Attribute definitions:
Optionally defines a name for this load.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcStructuralLoad;