
Natural language names
Raumgrenzen - Relation
Rel Space Boundary
Limite d'espace
Change log
IFC2x3 to IFC4
      OwnerHistoryMODIFIEDInstantiation changed to OPTIONAL.
      RelatingSpaceMODIFIEDType changed from IfcSpace to IfcSpaceBoundarySelect.
      RelatedBuildingElementMODIFIEDInstantiation changed from OPTIONAL.
IFC2x3 to IFC4
      OwnerHistoryMODIFIEDInstantiation changed to OPTIONAL.
      RelatingSpaceMODIFIEDType changed from IfcSpace to IfcSpaceBoundarySelect.
      RelatedBuildingElementMODIFIEDInstantiation changed from OPTIONAL.
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

The space boundary defines the physical or virtual delimiter of a space by the relationship IfcRelSpaceBoundary to the surrounding elements.

The IfcRelSpaceBoundary is defined as an objectified relationship that handles the element to space relationship by objectifying the relationship between an element and the space it bounds. It is given as a one-to-one relationship, but allows each element (including virutal elements and openings) to define many such relationship and each space to be defined by many such relationships.

Space boundaries are always defined as seen from the space. In general two basic types of space boundaries are distinguished:

The exact definition of how space boundaries are broken down depends on the view definition, more detailed conventions on how space boundaries are decomposed can only be given at the domain or application type level.> * In an architectural or FM related view, a space boundary is defined totally from inside the space. This is a 1st level space boundary.

  • In a thermal view, the decomposition of the space boundary depends on the material of the providing building element and the adjacent spaces behind. This is a 2nd level space boundary.
1st level 2nd level

Figure 167 — Space boundary at first level

Figure 168 — Space boundary at second level

2nd level type a 2nd level type b

Figure 169 — Space boundary at second level type A

Figure 170 — Space boundary at second level type B

The differences between the 1^st^ and 2^nd^ level space boundaries is identified by:

Differentiation between physical and virtual space boundary is illustrated in Figure 167 and Figure 42.

As shown in Figure 41, if the IfcRelSpaceBoundary is used to express a virtual boundary, the attribute PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary has to be set to VIRTUAL. The attribute RelatedBuildingElement shall point to an instance of IfcVirtualElement. If the correct location is of interest, the attribute ConnectionGeometry is required.

NOTE  The connection geometry, either by a 2D curve or a 3D surface, is used to describe the portion of the "virtual wall" that separates the two spaces. All instances of IfcRelSpaceBoundary given at the adjacent spaces share the same instance of IfcVirtualElement. Each instance of IfcRelSpaceBoundary provides in addition the ConnectionGeometry given within the local placement of each space.

"IfcRelSpaceBoundary_virtual (35K)"

Figure 171 — Space boundary of virtual element

As shown in Figure 42, if the IfcRelSpaceBoundary is used to express a physical boundary between two spaces, the attribute PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary has to be set to PHYSICAL. The attribute RelatedBuildingElement has to be given and points to the element providing the space boundary. The attribute ConnectionGeometry may be inserted, in this case it describes the physical space boundary geometically, or it may be omited, in that case it describes a physical space boundary logically.

"IfcRelSpaceBoundary_physical (35K)"

Figure 172 — Space boundary of physical element

The IfcRelSpaceBoundary may have geometry attached. If geometry is not attached, the relationship between space and building element is handled only on a logical level. If geometry is attached, it is given within the local coordinate systems of the space.

NOTE  The attributes CurveOnRelatingElement at IfcConnectionCurveGeometry or SurfaceOnRelatingElement at IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry provide the geometry within the local coordinate system of the IfcSpace, whereas the attributes CurveOnRelatedElement at IfcConnectionCurveGeometry or SurfaceOnRelatedElement at IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry provide the geometry within the local coordinate system of the subtype of IfcElement

NOTE  In most view definitions the connection geometry for the related IfcElement is not provided.

The geometric representation (through the ConnectionGeometry attribute) is defined using either 2D curve geometry or 3D surface geometry for space boundaries. In most view definitions the 3D connection surface geometry is required.

Surface connection geometry

The following constraints apply to the surface connection geometry representation:

Curve connection geometry

The following constraints apply to the 2D curve representation:

HISTORY  New entity in IFC1.5, the entity has been modified in IFC2x.

IFC2x CHANGE The data type of the attribute_RelatedBuildingElement_ has been changed from IfcBuildingElement to its supertype IfcElement. The data type of the attribute ConnectionGeometry has been changed from IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry to its supertype IfcConnectionGeometry.

IFC4 CHANGE The attribute RelatedBuildingElement has been made mandatory. For virtual boundaries the reference to IfcVirtualElement is now mandatory.

Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription G
5RelatingSpaceIfcSpaceBoundarySelect Reference to one spaces that is delimited by this boundary. X
6RelatedBuildingElementIfcElement Reference to Building Element, that defines the Space Boundaries.
IFC2x CHANGE  The data type has been changed from IfcBuildingElement to IfcElement with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
IFC4 CHANGE  The attribute has been changed to be mandatory.
7ConnectionGeometryIfcConnectionGeometry? Physical representation of the space boundary. Provided as a curve or surface given within the LCS of the space.
IFC2x CHANGE  The data type has been changed from IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry to IfcConnectionGeometry with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
8PhysicalOrVirtualBoundaryIfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum Defines, whether the Space Boundary is physical (Physical) or virtual (Virtual). X
9InternalOrExternalBoundaryIfcInternalOrExternalEnum Defines, whether the Space Boundary is internal (Internal), or external, i.e. adjacent to open space (that can be an partially enclosed space, such as terrace (External). X
Formal Propositions
CorrectPhysOrVirtIf the space boundary is physical, it shall be provided by an element (i.e. excluding a virtual element). If the space boundary is virtual, it shall either have a virtual element or an opening providing the space boundary. If the space boundary PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary attribute is not defined, no restrictions are imposed.
IFC4 CHANGE Where rule corrected to accept an IfcOpeningElement for a virtual space boundary.
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel IfcRelConnects IfcRelationship IfcRoot
Attribute inheritance
1GlobalIdIfcGloballyUniqueId Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world. X
2OwnerHistoryIfcOwnerHistory? Assignment of the information about the current ownership of that object, including owning actor, application, local identification and information captured about the recent changes of the object,
NOTE  only the last modification in stored - either as addition, deletion or modification.
IFC4 CHANGE  The attribute has been changed to be OPTIONAL.
3NameIfcLabel? Optional name for use by the participating software systems or users. For some subtypes of IfcRoot the insertion of the Name attribute may be required. This would be enforced by a where rule. X
4DescriptionIfcText? Optional description, provided for exchanging informative comments. X
5RelatingSpaceIfcSpaceBoundarySelect Reference to one spaces that is delimited by this boundary. X
6RelatedBuildingElementIfcElement Reference to Building Element, that defines the Space Boundaries.
IFC2x CHANGE  The data type has been changed from IfcBuildingElement to IfcElement with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
IFC4 CHANGE  The attribute has been changed to be mandatory.
7ConnectionGeometryIfcConnectionGeometry? Physical representation of the space boundary. Provided as a curve or surface given within the LCS of the space.
IFC2x CHANGE  The data type has been changed from IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry to IfcConnectionGeometry with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
8PhysicalOrVirtualBoundaryIfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum Defines, whether the Space Boundary is physical (Physical) or virtual (Virtual). X
9InternalOrExternalBoundaryIfcInternalOrExternalEnum Defines, whether the Space Boundary is internal (Internal), or external, i.e. adjacent to open space (that can be an partially enclosed space, such as terrace (External). X
Definitions applying to General Usage

Concept inheritance

#ConceptTemplateModel View
IdentitySoftware IdentityGeneral Usage
Revision ControlRevision ControlGeneral Usage
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcRelSpaceBoundary" type="ifc:IfcRelSpaceBoundary" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcRelConnects" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcRelSpaceBoundary">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcRelConnects">
     <xs:element name="RelatingSpace">
       <xs:group ref="ifc:IfcSpaceBoundarySelect"/>
     <xs:element name="RelatedBuildingElement" type="ifc:IfcElement" nillable="true"/>
     <xs:element name="ConnectionGeometry" type="ifc:IfcConnectionGeometry" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:attribute name="PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary" type="ifc:IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="InternalOrExternalBoundary" type="ifc:IfcInternalOrExternalEnum" use="optional"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcRelSpaceBoundary
 SUPERTYPE OF(IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel)
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcRelConnects);
  RelatingSpace : IfcSpaceBoundarySelect;
  RelatedBuildingElement : IfcElement;
  ConnectionGeometry : OPTIONAL IfcConnectionGeometry;
  PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary : IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum;
  InternalOrExternalBoundary : IfcInternalOrExternalEnum;
  CorrectPhysOrVirt : ((PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum.Physical)
AND (NOT('IFCPRODUCTEXTENSION.IfcVirtualElement' IN TYPEOF(RelatedBuildingElement))))
((PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum.Virtual)
AND (('IFCPRODUCTEXTENSION.IfcVirtualElement' IN TYPEOF(RelatedBuildingElement))
OR ('IFCPRODUCTEXTENSION.IfcOpeningElement' IN TYPEOF(RelatedBuildingElement))))
(PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum.NotDefined);

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

References  References: IfcElement IfcExternalSpatialElement IfcSpace

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