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Definition from IAI: An Ifc2DCompositeCurve is an IfcCompositeCurve that is defined within the coordinate space of an IfcPlane. Therefore the dimensionality of the Ifc2DCompositeCurve has to be 2.

NOTE OF DEPRECATION: After the enhancement of the profile definition capacities in IFC Release 2.x this entity is not needed anymore for the definition of boundaries on a plane. Therefore this entity is marked as deprecated - that means it will not be supported in future versions of IFC.

NOTE: This entity has been introduced to get a more straight forward definition of surface boundaries than by its counterpart in STEP: composite_curve_on_surface and boundary_curve. Since the only basis elementary surface in IFC is the plane surface, a two dimensional composite curve provides enough capability to define the boundary.

HISTORY: New class in IFC Release 1.5

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Ifc2DCompositeCurve
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcCompositeCurve);
WR1  :  SELF\IfcCompositeCurve.ClosedCurve;
WR2  :  SELF\IfcCurve.Dim = 2;

Formal Propositions:

WR1  :  The composite curve shall be closed.
WR2  :  The dimensionality of the composite curve shall be 2

Inheritance graph

ENTITY Ifc2DCompositeCurve;
ENTITY IfcRepresentationItem;
LayerAssignments  :  SET OF IfcPresentationLayerAssignment FOR AssignedItems;
StyledByItem  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcStyledItem FOR Item;
ENTITY IfcGeometricRepresentationItem;
ENTITY IfcCurve;
Dim  :  IfcDimensionCount :=  IfcCurveDim(SELF);
ENTITY IfcBoundedCurve;
ENTITY IfcCompositeCurve;
Segments  :  LIST [1:?] OF IfcCompositeCurveSegment;
SelfIntersect  :  LOGICAL;
NSegments  :  INTEGER :=  SIZEOF(Segments);
ClosedCurve  :  LOGICAL :=  Segments[NSegments].Transition <> Discontinuous;
ENTITY Ifc2DCompositeCurve;